The Artists

Brent Mitchell

I seek to capture fleeting beauty and compelling moments in art. I love people, life, the human form and the magic of nature.

David Motley

Artist, art enthusiast, gallery manager, curator, pop culture aficionado… David is a local treasure. A mover and shaker that has energized art in Lake County for over 15 years.

Rob Hassan

Rob has been crafting his vision of pop culture for over 20 years.

Check with the gallery to see more of Rob’s work.

Thom Kapheim

Kelleigh Braden

My art takes form channeling a range of emotions into pigment and shapes.

Jay Stephen

A digital multi-media artist that respects conventional media.

Shelly “Ruin” Johnson

Shelly is a self-taught artist that mixes acrylics, painting marker, spray paint, recyclable material on various mediums resulting in creations of contemporary art.

Amber Tagtmeier

My costume art is my escape from the everyday reality of life.

Shop The Gallery

The Mosquitoe Gallery is proud to represent these featured artists.

Stroll the gallery and review both originals and prints for sale.