Project Tic-Toc is a top secret U.S. government effort to build an experimental time machine, known as "The Time Tunnel" due to its appearance as a cylindrical hallway. The base for Project Tic-Toc is a huge, hidden underground complex in Kenosha, WI, 800 floors deep and employing over 36,000 people. The director of the project is Dr. Randall Harju. The time is 1968.
Project Tic-Toc is in its tenth year when a United States Senator comes to investigate in order to determine whether the project, which has cost 7.5 billion dollars, is worth continuing. The Senator feels the project is a waste of government funds. He delivers an ultimatum: either send someone into time and return him during the course of his visit or their funding will cease. One of the project artists sends himself into time. Two more follow shortly after to rescue him, but the three continue to be lost in time. The Senator returns to Washington with the promise that funding will not be cut off to the project.
"Three American artists are lost in the swirling maze of past and future ages, during the first experiments on Kenosha's greatest and most secret project, the Time Tunnel. Robert Snell, Korye Champion and Motorbike Mike now tumble helplessly toward a new fantastic adventure, somewhere along the infinite corridors of time."